Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The war and its effects

  1. There are many wars around the world. The war has many typed such as border war, civil war, ethnic war and religion war.
  2. Every war has reasons may be some of these reasons are strong, in the other words, may be some of wars are necessary in some cases but they must have rules and Ethics.
  3. Type of the war is different but the effect of the war is the same, so every war has effects such as: Orphans, Displacement and Psychiatric illness.
  4. Orphans: This is more important effect which the children became without mom, dad or both. These children will live without someone take care of them.
  5. They will live in children Shelters e.g. Palestine children since 1948 but I mean during the last war; Gaza war.
  6. Displacement: As result in any wars some people will moved forcibly to another place. They will live in tents without electricity or good food.
  7. The greatest displacement on the world is Palestine displacement and Indian American displacement.
  8. Psychiatric illness: After finishing the war, it will appear some psychiatric problems at the children if not at all people. As Iraq people, about 15% of them dreams nightmares.
  9. These are effects on the people who exist on the battlefield. So there are other effects on the people outside the battlefield as economic problems, the government will spend more money in the war and it will collect extra taxes may be it can spend this money on the people.
  10. For example, the economic problems that the USA is faced during Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
  11. War effects are many even on the battlefield directly or not. They need many years to treatment. May be the people will forget the effects after many years but the history didn't forget.


  1. Actually, the war can’t accept by any reason even if each of country doesn’t make agreement about understanding each other. As Ahmed wrote about the war on the blogger, the war evokes many problems such as orphans, displacement, and psychiatric illness.

    For example, the Iraq and Afghanistan war are the best example about what’s happened after the war. The people who experienced the war will remind pain in their mind. I always refuse the war.

  2. In fact, the destruction is the only thing that war gives. War does not bring peace to the world. The war provides huge problems to the countries and their people. Because of that government will be unable to give their people everything they need. I hate wars.

  3. You said that every war has reasons to take place , but do you think that these reasons are acceptable ?

    I do not think there is any country accept the wars!

    so you talked about the effects , If you know there are some wars even when they ended their effects will stay appears at that country.

    than you Ahmed,nice topic.

  4. Now in the world wars from oil or religious conflict such as Bosnia and Hersik or for area lake Palestine and Israel every day Israel kill Palestinian children, woman,children and old men, but did not any one do anything all the governments thinking about their advantages. The peace has become the slogan placed on the walls, we need a real peace and all countries need Respect for the rights of each other.
    The world was change after many wars, which was behavior humans for take a lot of money or dominate away to more area such as the happing in Iraq how many years the USA stay in Iraq? And why stay until now? Spread starvation due to wars and poverty too. A lot of money they spend of wars whereas many African people need to this money for their life such as education, job, food, clothes, home …etc.

    good topic Ahmed

  5. I agree Ahmed's opinion. I also think about that.
    First of all, it takes a long time to build up nation and to establish order, and it takes much money to re-build up nation after war.
    Secondly, the war destroys livelihoods. As we know, many people suffer from pain. And many people lose their livelihood without wrong.
    Thirdly, after war many people come as a shock. They undergo a terrifying ordeal, especially they destroy moral fibro.
    In conclusion, although war justifies maintaining order, war make many damages as above.

  6. First of all, i would thank Ahmed for this topic

    i guess that is the most tow reasons about any war in the world are two
    1. Religions reason.
    2. sovereignty reasons,it's like when somebody say 'i'm the biggiest one'some countries like to be the contraler of the world. it's like what happend with Heroshema when they killed everybody by nuclear bomb, and now they trying to stop the nuclear program in some countries.
    as you said the wars it cause so maney problme for the country, polution, the dameged of the building, schools and every things. also it take so many year to get back

    thanks again.

  7. I do not agree all the causes of the war are not acceptabl even if they did not make dangerous things

    you know it's a war no more horrible things after that.

    why they do not just live in peace ?
    why they do not leave negative thinking?

    I just hate the war.

    It make me feel sadness

    any way ... Thanks Ahmed for this topic

  8. Thank you Ahmed. I like these topic. So, the war is the terrible thing in this world. Usually the effects of war still for a long time specially children how live in the war like Iraq and Palestine. Also like what is happen in Japan in the World War II. I hop all the war in the world is end.

    Thank You

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thank you Ahmed. I agree with you.
    I think the war is always not acceptable, even thouth they have correct reason.
    The war always has many people who are died or injured. I hope the war will disapper in the world.

    Thank you.

  11. War progress human civilization. Most of invention was made in war. Huge war more progress human civilization than small war. But defeated of war lose their all thing. Moreover winner of war lose their people and money.

    War make lots of problem. So I never consent
    all war. Korea have had war at 1950. This war
    destroy most of South and North Korea. And Korea has still risk of war. This is terrible thing. Future war make more trrible result than past war.

  12. I think this is truly a controversial topic and I want to say Ahmed you choose a grest subject.In my opinion,if there is no wars that the world will become more beautiful and human beings will also live more happily.
    Wars are the worst thing in the earth.I can't image that some people can find several reasons to support starting a war!No matter for what reasons there can't accept the wars at all.
    Most of the ideas in the eassy I agree with you and I want to say this is really a good eassy! ^。^
    Thank you~~

  13. Ahemd,Iagree with you. No matter what the reasons that caust the wars are, they can not be accepted. As you said, after the wars, they caust a lot of problems. The most seriou pitiful thing, I think, is a lot of children lost their parents. Ihope the wars will not be happened forever.
    And Ahemd, you chose a goo topic. It is a good eassy.
    Thank you!

  14. I agree with you. Wars can bring tragedies to normal people. But we also need to think zbout wars in other ways. A successful war brings poeple ills, on the other hands, it also can bring to people pacific lifes for long time after the war. For example, the civil war maybe hurt people but after that Americans don't need to think about the conflict between South and North. That is the advantage of wars.
    Finally, thank you for giving us the good eassy.

  15. Now, we talk about The War in this world, this word is so widely and complex, in my opinion, this world has a lot of countries, they build their own goverment, every country has a a different center, they decide how to improve their country's people life. they need power, like the rock oil, but people need pay their life to the war, it's not fair, i think this world should make a organize, U.N is the most powerful organize in this world, it's not a country, it's made by lots of countries to protect this world peace.
    But i donnot trust them, i think it's not enough...
    Just my opinion.lol, you wrote a wonderful essay, hope you guys have a nice day.

  16. Those are right my friend.
    I suffered that bad feellings of the wars effects, because I saw many wars in my country.
    Wars are the reasion of destroying every thing. The war results many psychosomatic infections in the residences of that country. They struggle just to stay alive and not care about any other things.Iraq has a lot of oil, and by series of wars now one of the poorest countries in the world, which has many problems.

  17. There are many wars around the world.
    War has many TYPES, such as border war, civil war, ethnic war and religion war.
    Every war has reasons, AND some of these reasons MAY BE strong, in * other words, some of wars MAY BE necessary in some cases but they must have rules and Ethics.
    TypeS of the war ARE different but the effect of the war is the same. So every war has effects such as: Orphans, Displacement and Psychiatric illness.
    Orphans: This is VERY important effect IN which the children LOSE THEIR momS, dadS or both.
    These children will live without someone WHO take care of them.
    They will live in Children Shelters e.g. Palestine children since 1948 but I mean during the last war; Gaza war.
    Displacement: As result OF any wars, some people will BE moved forcibly to another place. They will live in tents without electricity or good food.
    The greatest displacement IN the world WAS THE Palestine displacement and THE Indian American displacement.
    Psychiatric illness: After finishing the war, * some psychiatric problems will appear AMONG the children if not at all people. As FOR IRAQI people, about 15% of them HAVE nightmares.
    These are THE effects on the people who exist on the battlefield.
    So there are other effects on the people outside the battlefield, SUCH as economic problems. The government will spend more money in the war and it will collect extra taxes, AND MAYBE it can spend this money FOR the people.
    For example, TEHRE ARE the economic problems that the USA HAS BEEN faced during Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
    THERE ARE MANY War effects even on the battlefield directly or INDIRECTLY.
    They need many years FOR treatment.
    MAYBE the people will forget the effects after many years but the history DOESN'T forget THEM.


  18. As I think,I hate war very much.people will look like so helpless if there is a war in the place where they live.And I always think that the war is not the best way to solve a problem.
