Thursday, June 11, 2009

The important things for marriage.

  1. I am talking about what is the important thing for marriage.
  2. We are talking about this topic on class today.
  3. I think the Age is not important thing for marriage.
  4. Because, if people who are married have love mind both, the age doesn't matter.
  5. However, I think who gets the more money between husband and wife is important.
  6. In my country, if husband gets the less money than his wife, the wife ignore him.
  7. Every wife doesn't ignore husband of course, anyway it is caused many divorce in my country.
  8. Last, "Once there is a child, the mother should stay at home" I think if husband can get the enough money for family, then mother had better stay at home for children.
  9. At least the child can stay alone in the home becase the childhood is very important period for person.
  10. Therefore, the children grow up with their parents, it is better for children.
  11. If the mother stay at home for child, the father also have to work many things such as wash the dishes, clean the room in the home. It is also very important.
  12. This is my opinion about what is the important thing for marriage.


  1. Hi,Kim!
    I'm so happy now, as I'm the first person to write down my feelings.

    I agree with your some opinions, but I think I still don't agree with the sentence about mother should stay at home for looking baby.

    In Shanghai, it's common that both the couple have jobs when they have a baby. To tell the truth, I think though a man can make enough money, the wife can't be her husband's stooge. Women should be independent on each part of the life, and they also should have an own social circle.
    It's a good job~ Thank you~^^

  2. Thank you Kim. I think, your opinions have Asian tradition. This is very important topic, because marrige is the most important thing our life.

    Some people think, "Woman is so poor. They always sacrifice for their husband and children."
    This is true, but especially in Asia, man always doesn't profit.

    Traditionally, Asian has patriarch system. So Asian man always thinks, I must be perfect guy. Must Asian man receive these pressure from Asian society.

  3. Hi Kim
    I Think Parents is very important for children
    but, the more important thing is love !

    I mean even if the children live with their parent , and their parent does not love each other that will be useless

    that is my opinion

    Thanks Kim

  4. I think, the important thing for marriage changes from society to other. In my society the important thing is the Ethics. if the man and woman are moral, every thing else doesn't matter.

    Yes maybe they will face some problems, but with their Wisdom they will exceed them.

    Finally, if the love gather them, then there is no an important

  5. Hi,Kim

    You are right, marriage is a good topic. I agree with your ideas. Marriage is very important for a person's life. However, I don't need to think about it now,lucky me.
    Anyway, thanks for your topic.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yaseen suggested us that we should consider getting married with someone.^_^

    If one want to get married with another one,I think money and age are all not that important,but love,privacy and trust is the basic essential factor.

    In china,more and more women choose to be a housewife to take care of their babies and husband.I don't want to judge whether it is good or not because different people have different ideas.

    In my country,there is only a little percent of people divoce, we always believe that if you don't love each other ,you can't get married.And if a man get married with a women,that means you get married with her whole family.

    Many realities we should think about before we get married.
    But it is so early to think about the marriage thing.hehe ~_~

  8. This topic is very interesting for woman. Many women have some fantagy about marriage. For example, after marriage her husband prepare breakfast every morning instead of wife.
    The other hand, some of women suffer from housewporking after marriage in Korea, especially cerebrity day. Anyway I think marriage has advatages and disadvatges. The choice of marriage depends on each person.

  9. First of all, I want to thank you ..

    second , who said that the age between the wife and her husband is not important ?

    as you said about who gets more money .. it's the same thing in the age .. so if the wife is bigger than the husband then the husband will never have the power to control what will happen at home !

    I just disagree with you in this point .. but I'm agree with the rest of them .

    Nice topic kim .

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Kim,
    I agree with you, but I think the age is very important because the convergence of the age make the relationship between husband and wife are very clearly and easy.
    Good topic...
    thinks Kim

  12. Hi ever body
    ((Marriage is that relation between man and woman in which the independence is equal, the dependence mutual, and the obligation reciprocal)).
    So think about it if you can actualize it, you will be lucky and happy spouse.
    My wishes to all the married persons, and my hopes for the singles to marry.

  13. Amazing topic,

    100% i agree with you, especially that the mother should stay at home when she get a baby :D

    i guess the marriage life like the kingdome. in that situation we have to have Foreign Minister and Interior Minister, and you Girls are the Ministers of the Interior :)
    if the man can get enought money why the woman should work? i mean its ok to work, but not outside the home. she can do her own business, for example by the internet.
    the women should take care of the childern and husbend and that doesn't makes her powerless.

    thanks again & good luck.

  14. hi Kim,
    I agree with your topic.I think the age is not important,the most important is love love love and recpect each other.
    for money the parents have one pocket.

  15. Hi Kim
    I agree with your some opinions. In my opinion,the money who get is more ,it is not very important. May be the rate of divorce will lower The husband dare not to love others after getting married. In fact, if husband and wife love each other, the money they get is not important.

  16. Hi Kim,
    I agree. The age is not very important thing. The most important thing when the man and woman get married they have to respect and understand each other to stay and live together forever.

    Thank you

  17. Hi Kim!!!

    A great job!!!!
    We talked about the married after class today. our opnioin was the same!! that was amazing.
    Actually, I agree part of your opinion about the mother stay at home because of children.

  18. Hahahahahahahahahaha! i like your topic very much! i totally agree your opinion! female can take care of their children better than man!
    joanna! you are loser! lol(jokeing)

  19. I WILL TALK about what is the important thing for marriage.
    We TALKED about this topic IN class today.
    I think + AGE is not AN important thing for marriage.
    THAT IS Because AGE DOES NOT MATTER if people who are married * love EACH OTHER.
    However, I think who gets * more money, * husband OR wife is important.
    In my country, if husband gets * less money than his wife, the wife ignoreS him.
    Every wife doesn't ignore husband, of course. Anyway, it is A CAUSE FOR many divorceS in my country.
    LastLY, "Once there is a child, the mother should stay at home." I think if husband can get * enough money for HIS family, then mother had better stay at home for children.
    At least, the child can (NOT?) stay HOME ALONE becaUse* childhood is very important period for A person.
    Therefore, IF * THEY CAN grow up with their parents, it is better for children.
    If the mother stayS at home for HER child, the father also HAS to work AT HOME, such as wash the dishes, clean the room in the HOUSE. It is also very important.
    This is my opinion about what is the important thing for marriage.


  20. I'm the same opinion.
    Parents should cooperate when bringing up children.
    In general, the husband works to get money at the office and the wife do the child care and housework at home.
    However, the husband should help it of the wife as much as possible at home. In the child care in my experience, the load is very large. It is difficult for one woman.
    Therefore, the child care and housework were allotted in my house. I recommend it because we understand the growth of a child well.
