Monday, June 1, 2009

Tallest guy Jacob in our class

  1. Hi. My name is Kwang Heo. Kwang is my first name, Heo is my last name.
  2. I'm from South Korea.
  3. Plese call me Jacob.\
  4. My height is 192 cm. It's so tall!
  5. In Korea, my major was economy and Japanese. And I want transfer to accounting
  6. My hobby is travel, singing song, and cook.
  7. I want to make many another country friends.
  8. My English skill is so bad. But I want improve my skill. Help me!
  9. I can't eat cucumber and oyster. It's so terrible to me.
  10. I can speak Korean very well. And I can speak some  Japanese.


  1. Hello Jacob~! You're very tall. Maybe, you're tallest in our class.

  2. Hey Jacob .. I am just asking my self , if your name is " Kwang Heo " why do you choose Jacob as a nickname ?
    I mean why you don't choose somthing related to your real name ?

    it's just a question , nothing else :P

    Nice to meet you Jacob .. and by the way I really liked your name so much!

    Mohsen was here :D .

  3. WOW, You are taller than me.

  4. ^.^ I'm happy to make friends with you~~
