Thursday, June 4, 2009

Is it better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city

1. Some people said it is better for children to live in the countryside than in a big city.
2. In my opinion, the places where children live in are not the only effect factor, but it is one of the most important effect factors. So as far as I am concerned, living in a big city is better.
3 My arguments for this point are listed as follows. The Primary reason, I think, is that in a big city, the government can provide advanced educational facilities for children. And the city often attracts the best teachers, so they are beneficial for children to get more advanced knowledge.
4 At the same time, children have more opportunities to go abroad as the exchange students with foreign countries.
5. It can help them to widen their horizons. It also can be good for them to practice their thinking and speaking. I think it lays the foundations for their victories of the future.
6.Another reason can be seen by every one is that there are museums, libraries in a big city and operas, stage plays always are performed in a big city . Children can watch them in their spare time to understand other countries’ culture. These cultural facilities not only help children to widen their knowledge, but also make their cultural life flexible. But for children in the countryside, they do not have so many chances like them.
7. Furthermore the living in the city is tensional, so it can help children to adapt to the society earlier. As we know, the best companies of the world often located in the big city, so there is also a wider choice of jobs.
8. However, the countryside offers more relaxed and peaceful way of life, so I think children in countryside can't be familiar with the modern society early.
9. Some people may say in the countryside the air is cleaner, so children are healthier. Are not children in a big city healthy? And in a big city, medical facilities are more complete.
10. From what has been discussed above, I think children living in a big city are better.


  1. It's impossible for me to disagree with what you said.

    totally I agree with you, and I'm so surprised with your handwriting! it's such an amazing topic.

    just let me tell what I think about this topic is growing up in the countryside will give the children the ability to help himself by himself.

    wonderful work Melody, thanks a lot.

  2. Hi Melody,
    Thank you for these topic. So, in my opinion the big city is better because there are opportunity to learn much better and has a lot of experience in the life when they deal with a big community.

  3. Good job Melody,
    I agree with you in a lot of things like, good education and good medicine, but I think you forget the most important thing, it is the safety. Usually in the big city there are good people and bad people, but in the countryside there just the good people how they want to live a quiet life.
    Think you.

  4. I agree with you Melody. Thanks-

    Countryside teach peace, importance of nature to our children. Besides nature of countryside make wellbeing to us.

    However countryside always give good things. Countryside don't have more excellent education center, hospital and chance to meet another country people than Big city. Moreover conutryside don't have fierce than big city. If childrens who still live countryside gone to the big city, they don't live there. Because, big city has fierce. So big citizen live harder than countryside.

    Therefore, I think, we have to bring up our children for themselve.

  5. This is a big thing to think aboutm so keep good working.

    I'm not sure where is the best place. each of them has advanteges and disadvateges. for me i will go with countryside, because its more quiet and safe. We are talking about children and all of us know how it's diffecult to grow them, so we need a good base for that. On the other hand the big city affored several things such as, education, transportation, facilities and recreations which is not often to seen in the countryside, but its more dangrous, crimes, pollution and noisy.

    again i guess that is the countryside is better

    Thanks Melody, stay a way from trubles & have a good day.

  6. I think a big city is better for a child to live because he will have better education and have more chances to imporve heself.
    Maybe environment of a big city is not good but i don't think that is the most important for a child.
    Thanks for your topic.

  7. As me was born in the big city, so compare with the cities I prefer to live in the countryside. Though taht is my mind, I also agree with your opinion. Because I have the personal experience and I really know the education is much better than it in the countryside.
    There are maybe only one thing I think study in countryside is better what is the nautral enviornment. When the students study hard, they need more fresh airto make them more clear-headed!
    A good essay~ Thank you^。^

  8. Before we discuss the topice, the important is where each of us is born in. If someone was bone in contryside, it tend to choose that the best way of growing up children is big city. it defend on their experience. However I agree with your opinion. living in big city may provide advanced education and rival.

    So it makes the children more opportunity.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In the fact, it is true, the city can help the children to widen their horizons, but in both direction; right way and wrong way. So the family in the city should take care of the children more than in the countryside.

  11. Hi Melody :)

    I agree with you , Live in a big city is much better to have a good job and learns. I mean to keep in touch with urbanization .

However, I think live in small city keeps it's benefit though .
Small city can provide fresh air and origin food which is more less in the big city .
    So, I believe that each one has it's benefit . but, still a lot of people think that live in big city is the life.

    Thanks a lot Melody , I like your topic.

  12. Holy cow~ what a good topic it is.This topic has 2 ways to think, one is children should have the best education, but the town is not better than live in a big city. We already know a big city has a lot of advantages, but the environment in a big city is very bad, children grow in this place must make their parents take more care of their baby.
    thank you give us this nice topic! have a good day!

  13. Wow..This is my first essay topic.
    I agree with your many opinion, but I think living in thr countryside is better than city.
    Because living in the countryside is safer than city.

  14. hi, I think the big city make us more experience,also we have more choise for jobs or study.
    I think the countryside has advantages too

    good topic

  15. In my opinion, if I choose between city and country, I choose the country. Because whenever I stay the country, I'm very comfortable and peaceful. Many people know it is convenience to live in city. There have high education, good shops, mass transportaions. But the city also fuse many problem such as pollution, gravitation of population, crimes and the gap between the weathy and the poor etc. Finally, if I have an opportunity to live the country, I can live there. Than you.

  16. I am not agreed with you, I prefer living outside big cities.

  17. 1. Some people SAY it is better for children to live in the countryside than in a big city.
    2. In my opinion, the places where children live in are not the only effect factor, but it is one of the most important effect factors. So as far as I am concerned, living in a big city is better.
    3 My arguments for this point are listed BELOW. The Primary reason, I think, is that in a big city, the government can provide advanced educational facilities for children. And the city often attracts the best teachers, so they are beneficial for children to get more advanced knowledge.
    4 At the same time, children have more opportunities to go abroad as * exchange students with foreign countries.
    5. It can help them to widen their horizons. It can ALSO be good for them to practice their thinking and speaking. I think it lays the foundations for their victories of the future.
    6.Another reason WHICH can be seen by EVERYONE is that there are museums AND libraries *, and operas AND stage plays are ALWAYS performed in a big city . Children can watch them in their spare time to understand other countries’ cultureS. These cultural facilities not only help children to widen their knowledge, but also make their cultural life flexible. HOWEVER,* children in the countryside * do not have so many chances like them.
    7. Furthermore,* living in A city is tensional, so it can help children to adapt THEMSELVES to the society earlier. As we know, the best companies of the world ARE often located in big citIES, so there is also a wider choice of jobs.
    8. However, the countryside offers more relaxed and peaceful way of life, so I think children in countryside can't be familiar with the modern society early.
    9. Some people may say the air is cleaner IN THE COUNTRYSIDE , so children are healthier. Are children in a big city NOT healthy? And in a big city, medical facilities are more ADVANCED.
    10. From what has been discussed above, I think LIVING IN A BIG CITY IS BETTER FOR CHILDREN THATN LOVING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE.


  18. I really agree with what you said.Maybe today,many people don't know where is the best place for them to raise their children, I think that children will be more innocent if they grow up in the countryside.
