Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Let's Lose Weight!

1. There are many people who are heavier than normal people. That is also a serious problem is the U.S.A. "An estimated 97 million adults in the United States are overweight or obese." Is that amazing? However, if you want to lose weight, you should use the right way.

2. Some people think that if you want to lose weight, you need to exercise without food. That does not make sense. It is bad for our health. That will cause more problem, for example, dehydration, undernutrition syndrome and endocrine dyscrasia.

3. In fact, I have ever losen weight for a few months when I was in high school and I succeed. Unforunately, I cannot keep it so I am still heavy.

4. In my opinion, the best way to lose weight is aerobic exercise. Maybe it is not fast enough but it is healthy.

5. Losing weight is also a ordeal for heavy people because it is easy to exercise a week but it is diffcult to do it for a year or more than a year.

6. Perseverance is the most important point for losing weight.

7. Sometimes, losing weight a work for people's lifetime, if they stop it, corpulence will be back.

8. You also need to believe yourself when you want to lose weight. Psychological effect is also a important part.

9. Some people think corpulence is fine. Yes, it is if corpulence does not affect your health condition.

10. Health is the most important for people so let's lose weight for health!


  1. Yah Let's Lose weight for health....

    I'm totally agree with you CHAD

    and you know what is make more serious , because of the number of the restaurant increased

    Now a day people always like to eat on the restaurant
    and we do not have any idea about how this food is unhealthy

    only if when people jet older they will recognize that they need healthy food.

    Thanks Chad I like your topic


  2. Hi Chad~
    I agree with your opinion.
    The health is most important thing in our life.
    So I always try to lose my weight.
    Thanks Chad.

  3. Hello Chad!

    Your topics is very timely and just now for my seriously problem. Because my weight have been gaining significantly more weight. So,I have been running since arrived the U.S. (Not doing everyday but no class only.) It is important remember "Perseverance".

    Thank you!

  4. Hi Chad

    I also agree with you.
    An impossible diet is so dangerous.
    Taking meal and exercising moderately are the best for the health.
    By the way, recently "The Tomato Diet" becomes popular in Japan.
    It is to eat the tomato dish every day, and do an exercise.

  5. Hi Chad,
    I agree with you.
    The corpulence is one of reasons that caused diseases for people. I think should people do exercise and avoid eating fast food. good topic.
    Think you Chad.

  6. Hi Chad. I agree with you.

    This topic is very important our life. Fatness cause so many physical problem and mental problem. I had dieted about 2 years ago. I had exercised very hard and I had had some foods. So I lose weight about 20Kg, and I still keep my weight. And I want to more lose my weight than now.

    Diet is very an important thing, but keeping our weight is more important than diet.

    Thank you

  7. Hi Chad
    I agree with you.We should lose weight for our health.
    I often have this idea, but I can not insist on doing it. It is diffcult to do it,I think.
    But I think from this day I can try running every day. I hope I can go on dong it.
    I like this topic
    Thank you!

  8. Good evening chad,

    thanks for the topic.

    i think it's important to keep our bodies in good shap especially the GIRLS, i guess.
    we have to do some exercise, walking and trying some sport to lose some weight.

    thanks again
    have agood night.

  9. Hey Chad ..

    amm this is an interesting topic! ..

    Actually I'm always thinking how to lose my weight!? I always didn't get the answer !!

    I think it needs a strong desire .. and confident to do that ..

    anyway thank you Chad.

  10. Hi, Chad~~

    It's really a good topic that I'm enjoyable in it. I agree with you that we can lose weight successful, but we always can't keep it for a long time.

    As a girl, I often want to be slim even I have had a lot of food~~ The only way to keep healthy and slim maybe is to take more exercises.

    It's a good job~ Thank you very much^^

  11. Hi, Chad~~

    It is not merely a serious problem in the U.S. it is a serious problem around the world. According fast food, most people are going to be fat even me.

    If we contorl the way of eating, we should lose our weight!!!

    If someone in our class wants to lose weight, I hope he/she will be success losing weight!!

  12. Good done Chad
    You know most of the Americans are fat, especially poor people(inversive to the African poor people, they are all thin and weak).....
    If you want to be thin tell (Nobi) give you more and more homeworks,that will be a good idea.

  13. Wow! This topic is like my story. Actually, I also gained weight about 5Kg, after I came here. I really want to lose weight, but it's difficult to lose weight, because American food is so caloritic and oily. I need to work out, but I can't. Actually, when I lived my hometown, I work out 5times in a week. Anyway in order to be health, we need to lose weight and work out.

    Thank you.

  14. I already visited your facebook! come on man, stop drink coke and eat junk food, work out everyday, you can do that! maybe we can do that together!

  15. haha,I think star is so right. You two can do together,and I want to find another one to lose weight together.I think if I want to live in MSU for two years, I may earn twenty kilos if I continue eating so much everyday.You know,many people have the idea of how to lose weight,but only a few people can insist on donging that.That's why people can get fater and fater.
    My deadline is to lose weight for 2 month before I come back to china in the end of this year~

  16. Chad spent alot of time for thinking about what he should post, but finaly he chose good topic. So thank you.
    I found all things in America are large. You can see small size cup (coffee or tea) in America is large size cup in Libya. So the conditions here encourage people to be fat.

  17. Hi Chad,

    I agree with you. Each person should keep his weight in normal range to conserve his life.

    Thank you

  18. Hi Chad
    yes, we need to keep our weight in normal range,I want to do that because my weight gain to ten Kg. after my wedding.do you have any idea?
    Thank you

  19. 1. There are many people who are heavier than normal people. That is also a serious problem is the U.S.A. "An estimated 97 million adults in the United States are overweight or obese." ISN'T that amazing? However, if you want to lose weight, you should DO IT IN the right way.

    2. Some people think that if you want to lose weight, you need to exercise without food. THIS does not make sense. It is bad for our health. That will cause more problemS. For example, dehydration, undernutrition syndrome and endocrine dyscrasia.

    3. In fact, I LOST weight for a few months when I was in high school and I succeedED. Unforunately, I COULD NOT keep it so I am still heavy.

    4. In my opinion, the best way to lose weight is aerobic exercise. Maybe it is not fast enough but * healthy.

    5. Losing weight is also AN ordeal for heavy people because it is easy to exercise a week but * DIFFICULT * for a year or more than a year.

    6. Perseverance is the most important point for losing weight.

    7. Sometimes, losing weight IS * work OF THE LIFETIME for PEOPLE. If they stop it, corpulence will be back.

    8. You also need to believe yourself when you want to lose weight. Psychological effect is also AN important part.

    9. Some people think corpulence is fine. Yes, it is ONLY if corpulence does not affect your health condition.

    10. Health is the most important for people, so let's lose weight for health!

