Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hello everybody,

Hope you’re enjoying the summer time. As you know that we had a really good Basketball game between the teachers and the student, so I would like to thank all of them “Great Job”

Nobi, you have a nice baby “God Bless him”

I’m going to talk about drugs.

1-Drugs become one of the most dangerous weapons in the World these days and one of the main sources of the pain. Many people haven’t realized that we use drugs in our daily life.

2-Nowadays drugs became affordable and useful in our lives such as, caffeine, nicotine, alcoholic, aspirin etc.

3-these drugs called legal drugs where we can find it easily, like caffeine in coffee or nicotine in cigarettes. In general, drugs affect our bodies gradually.

4-Let’s take nicotine for example, the people who smokes cigarettes they always looking for nicotine and they also feel headache when they trying to stop that habit and am one of them. However, the people who drink coffee so much, they feel the same.

5-Prescription drugs are kind of medicines which illegal to use without permission or prescription from the doctor

6-It's not legal, or safe, for people to use these medicines any way they want or to buy them from people who are selling them illegally like sleep pills, anti-depressant and pain reliever like morphine

7-There is huge percentage of the users of these kinds of drugs in the United States especially at the age of 20s.

8-Marijuana, weeds, cocaine and herein are the same in the effect. That kind called Ecstasy drugs that make people feeling happy, high and energy which is illegal to use, became popular between some people.

9-The effects of these drugs are direct and so fast. By the time, the body will ask for more. However, Ecstasy Drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other important organs.

10-Cocaine, for instance, can cause a heart attack. And some of the users died with overdose of drugs.

I know its boring topic, but that’s what came in my mind since I feel so depressed.


  1. since i have nothing to do, i'm going to read my topic and make a comment :D

    wo0o0ow, nice topic mohammed, i really like it.
    and and hope you quite smoking.

    you're right, drugs became popular between people and every year we lost so many people in overdose of drugs and i feel sad when i hear that fact.

    thanks again & don't feel depressed

  2. Hello Pro,

    You were the writer and commenter. That is strange matter, but funny.

    I don't try the drugs like you. So I can not judge. I will try some of them then I will tell you which type is better. Wait.............

  3. I tried them >>>>>>>
    Marijuana ......... good
    weeds .......... good with tea
    cocaine ...... Nooooooo!
    herein ........ good at night

  4. Salaam Mohammed

    I hope that you find some thing fun to do after writing

    Drug , Drug Drug
    this thing makes me crazy
    I always Have one question for you gays specially those people who smokes

    if you know that the drug has a series affect why you use to use it?

    it's kind of thrown your self to the hill

    I hope that one day all kind of drugs will be illegal
    and no one can smoke ever

    for those gays who smoke
    this is my litter :

    we really need strong men in this life we really need you to help this world to be protect and improve
    so please stop smoking


  5. Hi Mohammed!

    I enjoyed playing basketball after all over 10 years. But I lost my breath in a few minuets.

    So, your topics is important for young people. Because it's universally common that younger people have a great interested in drugs. Actually, some drugs made person happy or excite. But it's only temporarily. Just this time. I recommend person finding another exciting things if someone has time to take drugs.

    Good topics!

  6. Hi Mohammed.

    Good topic.Drugs make a person unhappy.
    As you say,it occurs a disease not only physicl but also mental.
    We should not use it,and we should refuse if someone recomend to try it.
    By the way,you wrote Brog and comment, It's so fun!

    Thank you.

  7. Hey Mohammed,
    it's really a good topic.

    I think the young age people will eager to know what the Drug is , maybe that's the reason why so many young people can not leave away from it.

    Maybe it will make people feel happy and relax at first , but it will give people more pain after a peroid of time.

    You like talking to yourself? I mean the comment you give to yourself. hehe

    Thank you for your interesting topic~

  8. Hi Mohammed.

    Drugs cause much bad effects in our society. Especially, it makes that people want to find only pleasur and addict. If some persons started durgs, they would addict so they want more drugs. And it bring about much healthy problem.

    Thank you good topic!

  9. Hello Muhammad
    Good Topic, even it makes someone fell anxious especially about teens. I think governments can demolish and prohibit illegal using of drugs, but they do not do so. You know why? Because this matter make young people busy and don't think about the life style and their leader's bad administration of the country.

  10. Hi Muhammed

    nice topic that you choose.
    there are many drugs that the people can use and some of them can be adicted to like cocaine and heroin and some it can be used in the medical care like weed and morphine for the cancer, i bealive that if the people stop to take it in the wrong way everything will be good.

    thank you.

  11. Hi, Mohammed~

    Your topic is about the drugs, and they are really become a big problem in the world. I think smoking and drinking are not the good for our health, and if someone be addicted to them, most people can stop. It sounds not so good~

    All in all, I hope each person has a good health and we don't need drugs ever~

    Thank you ^^

  12. This topic is very serious and important. Drug has two different side, one is advantage, another is disadvantae. If we are sick, we can take medicine, so that we can reduce the pain. In contrast, if we take drug so much, we can suffer from a serious pain or we can be addicted the drug. Also, drug include cocain, heroin such like that. When we take drug, we should be careful to take drug.

    Thank you!

  13. Hi ..

    Mohammed .. thanx for the topic.

    there is no doubt that the drugs is bad thing and it damages the body !!..
    all people know that .. and also I think that most of people know that there are some benefits comes from the drugs .. so you can't say drugs are bad !! .. couz not all the kind of drugs are bad .. it depends on how and where you use it !

    Noha .. amm , sorry but you can't say " you guys " and forget that even girls use drugs !!! .. and I think girls are using drugs more than men !! > I'm not sure :D .. don't be mad at me :P

    thanx again Mohammed !

  14. Hi Mohammed,
    I agree with Abdullh before writes,I think smoking and drinking are unhealth,we should be careful to take any kind of drug.I hobe to you quite smoking.
    good topic.

  15. Hi Mohammed,

    Thank you Elsharif, In fact I thought to agree with you before you write, but you faster than me, so you agree with me before I agree with you:)
    Anyway, this is good topic at least let us know who use it or not.
    However, drugs is one of the big enemy for the human. I hop to every one keep a way from these.

    Thank you Mohammed and Elsarif.

  16. Hi Mohammed.

    I think, caffeine, nicotine, and alcoholic will be dangerus more than others. Because people usually don't recognized that those thing is drug. we should remind that caggeine and nicotine are also kind of drug.

    Thank you for good topic.'-'

  17. Hi Mohammed.

    Actually, I like drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes as an addiction. I smoke cigarettes every day. I know how smoking affact to my health. I tried to quit smoking many times, but I am still smoking.

    Your topic make me remind trying to quit cigarettes.

    Thank you ^^

  18. Hi Mohammed.

    I think, drug is very bad for our health.
    Therfore, avoiding drug is better for our life.
    Thank you.

  19. Hi, Mohammed.
    Drugs is a serious problem in the U.S.A. Many teenagers used drugs. We also use drugs all day; for example, coffee and smoking are also king of drugs. We should quit.
    Thanks for your topic!

  20. Hi mohammed

    good topic to share.
    i totaly agree with you. drugs became serious problem these days especially for teenagers. also the crimes increased of drugs between gangsters.


  21. 1-Drugs HAVE become one of the most dangerous weapons in the World these days and one of the main sources of the pain. Many people haven’t realized that we use drugs in our daily life.

    2-Nowadays, drugs BECOME affordable and useful in our lives, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcoholic, aspirin, etc.

    3-These drugs ARE called legal drugs WHICH we can find * easily, like caffeine in coffee AND nicotine in cigarettes. In general, drugs affect our bodies gradually.

    4-Let’s take nicotine for AN example. People who SMOKE cigarettes * always LOOK for nicotine and they also feel headache when they TRY to stop that habit and I am one of them. However, people who drink coffee so much ALSO feel the same.

    5-Prescription drugs are kind of medicines which ARE illegal to use without permission or prescription from the doctorS.

    6-It's not legal, or safe, for people to use these medicines any way. SOME PEOPLE want TO buy them from people who are selling them illegally. THESE DRUGSA ARE like sleep pills, anti-depressant and pain reliever like morphine.

    7-There is A HIGH percentage of the users of these kinds of drugs in the United States, especially at the age of 20s.

    8-Marijuana, weeds, cocaine and herein HAVE the same * effect. THESE kindS OF DRUGS ARE called Ecstasy drugs that make people FEEL happy, high and ENERGIZED. THIS is illegal to use, BUT became popular AMONG some people.

    9-The effects of these drugs are direct and so fast. AS TIME PASSES, the body will ask for more. However, Ecstasy Drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other important organs.

    10-Cocaine, for instance, can cause a heart attack. And some of the users died FROM overdose of drugs.

    I know THIS IS A boring topic, but that’s what came TO mind since I feel so depressed.


  22. Hi Elsharif
    Your baby is so cute!He will be very handsome in the future.
    It is a good topic. Ithink you are a very father.
    Plese do not forget your wife is very great.I hope you are a good husband too.
    Thank you!
