Saturday, July 4, 2009

"" What's the Best way to get The Information ""

Hey class .. I hope you're all good and having a good holiday . 

Any way ... maybe the title doesn't give the idea that I'm going to write about .. so, let me give you more information about the topic which will help u to understand .. anyway .. let's start:

1- There are several ways to get the information from!.

2- For example : Reading, listening and watching. 

3- What I want to talk about is, which one of these ways is the best !? .. I mean which one will give you better information and which one will be the most exciting ? 

4- Reading is the old way to get the information .. but it still one of the best! .. most people especially in America use the reading to get a new information and to spend there time in something useful. 

5- Listening is one of the new ways! .. people sometimes use the listening instead of reading .. because they think it's faster than reading and easier!.

6- Watching is the most technological way ! .. it's a new way .. most people like it because it's easy to use it .. and it gives more information in less time !

7- Now we know most or all the ways .. what's the best way !? .. and which one give user more information in less time !?

8- My opinion says, Watching and listening are the best .. actually watching include the listening so we it will be the best.

9- why ? let's get an example : if you watch a movie and you have the story of the movie in a book .. which one would you like to choose !? .. I think most of us will choose watching the movie instead if reading the story.

10- Because is you watch the movie you'll have fun, it'll be exciting that you watch something " I think it's better than you just read in quiet! " .. This is my opinion .. I know there are so many people disagree with me. Actually this is why I chose this topic .. to join your opinion, 

I hope you enjoy the topic. sorry for being late. 


  1. Hi Mohsen,
    I'm first, I think if you want to get information you should to use all of things that you wrote,watching,reading and listening.
    good topic and you did very well,Mohsen.

  2. Hey Mohsen,
    It's really a good topic which I have never think about before.

    I definitely agree with you.
    It's no doubt that I will choose watching between reading and watching .

    Watching things is faster than reading things ,especially you can remember more about the things that you have watched.

    You really explain it so clearly.
    Thank you for you topic.

  3. Hi~ Mohsen.~ Are you enjoing holidays?
    I hope that you spending good time.

    It's good topic, Mohsen.
    Watching and listening is method of technology, so it gives an interest for peoples more than reding. But reding still important part for get an information, also book is most reliability information, in my opinion.

    Thank you Mohsen. '-'

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That's interesting topic. If I need some information, it is easy to watch the information for me. You already explained to get the information such as watching, reading and listening. In my opinon, I place them in order, watching listening and reading. Anyway, I think it depeds on person what is the best way to get the information.

    Thank you!

  6. Hello Mohsen,
    Hi classmates,

    Your writing is very nice and your topic also.

    My opinion is : watching is first one but in some cases we can not find information or data as visual. then we will return to the most popular (Reading)>>> So there is Agreement between us that we prefer the watching (include listening).

    see you........>

  7. Hi Mohasen

    you know I can not judej in this station because some times it's better to get information by reading

    I think this is depend on which type of information you want to know,

    so I can not disagree with you and I can not agree

    by the way I always use my laptop to get the information
    internet covers all the ways ( reading , listening and watching)

    Thanks Mohasen


  8. Hi Mohasen,

    interesting topic and nice way for writing.
    In my opinion the best wat are diffrent between people, but I think your last point is diffrent what the topic say because your topic about get information and last point talk about fun!!!

    Thank You

  9. Hi Mohsen
    I agree with you watching is the best way to get information. It is east to get.
    Have a good holiday.

  10. Hi Mohsen,
    Good topic, I love that. For me, maybe watching is the best way to get information because watching is more vivid. It is easy to get imformation.
    Thanks for your topic!

  11. Hi, Mohsen~

    Your topic is good and i agree with your opinion. In my mind, listening is one of the difficult parts for foreigners to learn English. On the other hand, if we want to study well in the second language, partise maybe is the most important way!

    All in all, it's a good topic! Thank you^^

  12. Hi Mohsen,
    Interesting topic, I agree with you but I think you can't get any informations from watching or listening because some science informations you can't fined in TV or audio but you can find in Internet or books from the reading.
    Think you for topic.

  13. Hi Mohsen, thanks for your topic

    For my understand, i guess the subject doesn't matche with the body.
    I think there are two idea in this topic
    Improving the English Language and 'how to get an information'

    I agree, watching & listenig very good way to improve our language, but for information i guess reading is good way for that.

    thanks again.

  14. Hi Mohsen!

    I think your topic is important for person who leaning English. I agree with you that Listening & Watching inspire person studying second language. But, Reading is needed for everyone educated.

    Anyway, I must to read some English books for homework.

    Thank you.

  15. Hi,Mohasen.

    I think waching is most important method for the person.
    Of course,other one are also important.But,I can't judge everything the final decision without watching.
    Because,the information is sometimes quite different from a true meaning only by hearing and reading.
    It's my opinion.

    Thank you!

  16. Hi Mohsen.

    Watching is a good way that get informations. However, I think, we get most informations from reading. Especailly, these days we often used internet to get the information and most information in internet are wrote. However this thing depeds on person.

    Thank you good topic

  17. Hi Mohsen
    Good Job
    People now have not enough time to read, so they use watching and listining, like TV for learning. I think it is the new one and most used.
    Thank you

  18. Hi Mohsen

    that is a good topic and maybe the best one
    so i can't tell you what is the best way to learn because you can also learn from the people

    thank you and it was a good one

  19. Hi Moshen.

    This is a very good important topic.
    Reading is also very good way to get imformation. I think reading, listening, watching are almost same for getting information.
    Thank you.

  20. Hi Moshen!

    This sounds like good important topic.
    As we post comment everyday, reading is a part of the way to gain information!!!

    Thank you ^^

  21. Sometimes I donnot how to get the main idea when i talk to people or reading a book, I think i have to improve this skill, it's very useful in my english field.
    thank you tell me this imformation.

  22. 1- There are several ways to get information *!.

    2- For example : Reading, listening and watching.

    3- What I want to talk about is, which one of these ways is the best !? .. I mean, which one will give you better information and which one will be the most exciting ?

    4- Reading is the old way to get * information .. but it IS still one of the best! .. most people, especially THOSE in America use * reading to get * new information and to spend THEIR time FOR something useful.

    5- Listening is one of the new ways! .. people sometimes use * listening instead of reading .. because they think it's faster AND EASIER than reading *!.

    6- Watching is the most technological way ! .. it's a new way .. most people like it because it's easy to use it .. and it gives more information in less time !

    7- Now we know most or all the ways .. what's the best way !? .. and which one giveS user more information in less time !?

    8- My opinion IS, Watching and listening are the best .. actually watching includeS * listening, so * it will be the best.

    9- Why ? Let's get an example : if you watch a movie and you have the story of the movie in a book .. which one would you like to choose !? .. I think most of us will choose watching the movie instead OF reading the story.

    10- Because is you watch the movie you'll have fun, it'll be exciting IF you watch something. I think it's better than * readING in quiet! " .. This is my opinion .. I know there are so many people WHO disagree with me. Actually THAT is why I chose this topic .. to GET your opinionS.

