Friday, July 10, 2009


1. Father is an ordinary man but plays an extraordinary role in each family.
2. Some people say that father is the most important person in the family. I show the same opinion with them.
3. Father is a person who devotes all himself to his children and he never says what he does for the family.
4. Words can not tell how much father means to me.
5. In fact, I didn’t realize how much I love my father until I came to the US .I often want to call my father to know what he is doing, whether he is happy , evenly I just want to make him know I miss him. But I seldom call my father when I was in China.
6. My father often tells me that in the US health and happy are the most important. Although he does not say he loves me, I can feel his love from his words.
7. Father seldom say ‘I love you’ though the feeling is always there. He always uses his ways that his words can not match to show his love.
8. I think you had better listen to the song which sings by Eric Clapton. You can feel the meaning that the song wants to explain.

Eric Clapton - My Father’s Eyes

Sailing down behind the sun,
Waiting for my prince to come.
Praying for the healing rain
To restore my soul again.

Just a toerag on the run.
How did I get here?
What have I done?
When will all my hopes arise?
How will I know him?
When I look in my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
When I look in my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.

Then the light begins to shine
And I hear those ancient lullabies.
And as I watch this seedling grow,
Feel my heart start to overflow.

Where do I find the words to say?
How do I teach him?
What do we play?
Bit by bit, I’ve realized
That’s when I need them,
That’s when I need my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
That’s when I need my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.

Then the jagged edge appears
Through the distant clouds of tears.
I’m like a bridge that was washed away;
My foundations were made of clay.

As my soul slides down to die.
How could I lose him?
What did I try?
Bit by bit, I’ve realized
That he was here with me;
I looked into my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
I looked into my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
I looked into my father’s eyes.

9. Father’s eyes show sternness, but more kindness, care and love. Fathers afford the best for their children and help their children to make some secret dreams come true. They are the greatest.
10. There are also many fathers who are in our class now. I believe that they are also the greatest father for their children.


  1. Hey Melody,
    I also feel the same feeling like you.
    Before I came to the U.S., I thought I would miss my mother more than my father.
    However, in fact, I miss my father so much. I realized that he is the greatest father for me, he said that I can do what I want to do, but I must be safe and happy.

    You are right. Father is the person who devotes all himself to his children.
    I am so proud of being my father’s daughter.

    It’s really a great topic. Thank you!
    But you know, I am here with you, my dear younger sister.

  2. Good day, Miss Melody

    I totally agree with you, and I'm happy that your father loves you so much, you doserve that.
    last 3 year, my father and I became close friends :D
    btw, i like the song

    Thanks for sharing this topic.
    stay away from troubles & engoy your weekend.

  3. Hi, Melody~

    It's really a good topic that I knew how your father loves you, and the same time I felt how deep you loves your father! In my mind, family love is one of the greatest relationships in our real life.

    My father is the best father and man in the world, and nobody can instead his position in my heart.

    Thank you so much as you shared this topic with us!

  4. This topic is good topic and I agree with you. My father always support me at everytime. Maybe he didn't give brave to study abroad, I couldn't come here. He always sacrifice for my family and h earn money for long time for my family. Thank you my father and I love you!

    Thank you!

  5. Hello- Melody

    Recently, I realize our father's love when I watcded Cinderella man. Sometimes, our fathers are very strict; however our fathers love us than whatever.

    Asian father is more strict. However they have great love, solely they don't know love expression. Sometimes, I felt father's love. At that time, I receive big impression.

    Thank you. good topic

  6. Hello Melody,

    If I know your father I will send him this post to know him how you love him. Acording to Arabic proverb " Every daughter is impressed with her father".
    Although I am in this age, I feel like your feeling related to the father and the mother.

    Good topic, feeling, and daughter (illegal daughter).

    Thank you.

  7. Hello, Melody!

    I agree with you. In my case same like as yours, I had never been heard anything more the word such as “I love you” from my father. But, I felt and understood his loving for me with out anything said. In now, I become a father for my son.
    I better understand the father’s mind. For example, I wasted money of my income for myself when I was young. But now I want to use my income for family especially my son.

    I think almost all young students in ELC were well loved their parents because it is so costly studying in the MSU. Someone had experience to work knows how difficult and tough to make money in society.

    Thank you.

  8. Hi,Melody.

    I think your blog is excellent!
    I also never had thought about my father until I became a father.
    All of every father, and of course every mother think about their children every time.
    They want children to become happy.
    We can realize their kindness even if there is no word.

    Thank you Melody!

  9. oh there is no single word can describe (Father)
    I love my father so much but, I can not show him my feeling
    I tried to do whet ever he want and to make him satisfied in order to show him a little bit of my feeling

    oh melody you just wrote a blog that we would never stop to talk about

    Thanks melody


  10. Hi Melody,

    Great topic especially last pont :)
    I agree with you and I felt like Jacob sayd.
    I think father is the most important one in the family, I felt that in the past and now I am a father it is diffrent and it is a great feeling especially when I see my son smile.

    Thank you

  11. Hi Melody,
    I like your topic.
    Actually, my father is realy mean to me alot. He is our advisour for my family.
    Hope your father loves you more and more.

  12. Hi Melody,
    I agree with you, my father is first teacher in my life I usually ask him to gave me advise,I love my father mor and more when my son was born.
    good topic

  13. Hi, Melody.
    Fathers and mothers are the mmost important for people. So I really agree with you. I also love my father because I think he gave me too much but I never have chance to repay him.
    Thanks for your topic!

  14. Hey ..

    I like the topic ..
    you really got a good idea to talk about the best person !
    thanx for the topic Melody.

  15. Hi~
    I like my fater, and I hope to be a good father like my fater. I like this topci.

  16. Hi Melody

    I agree with your opinon.
    Actually In member of family, father is very important.
    Because father show model to his children

  17. Hello Melody
    Nice and good topic
    I am father and I have many buisnesses to do for my children and I enjoyed that .
    Thank you

  18. Hello Melody.

    That's a great topic.
    You have a very warm hearted.
    I realized too that father loves me since I came hear on MSU. I think, all of the father is great existence.

    Again, that's a really great topic.
    Thank you Melody.^-^

  19. WOW it's a long poem, maybe I heard this poem in chinese style? I know everybody miss their family. when you finish this semester, buy a ticket go back to China. Nice poem..

  20. 1. Father is an ordinary man but plays an extraordinary role in each family.
    2. Some people say that father is the most important person in the family. I HAVE the same opinion with them.
    3. Father is a person who devotes all himself to his children and he never says what he does for the family.
    4. Words can not tell how much father means to me.
    5. In fact, I didn’t realize how much I love my father until I came to the US .I often want to call my father to know what he is doing, whether he is happy , evenly I just want to make him know I miss him. But I seldom CALLED my father when I was in China.
    6. My father often tells me that * health and HAPPINESS are the most important IN THE US. Although he does not say he loves me, I can feel his love from his words.
    7. Father seldom SAYS ‘I love you’ though the feeling is always there. He always uses his ways AND his words can not BE ENOUGH(?) to show his love.
    8. I think you SHOULD listen to the song which IS SUNG by Eric Clapton. You can feel the meaning that the song wants to explain.
    9. Father’s eyes show sternness, but ALSO kindness, care and love. Fathers afford the best for their children and help their children to make some secret dreams come true. They are the greatest.
    10. There are also many fathers * in our class now. I believe that they are also the greatest fatherS for their children.

